Takahiro Akira Go Kasatori Sou
Call name: Hiro
Born: 7/16/2013
Health: OFA Excellent, Patella Normal, Eyes anterior capsular opacities possibly related to PPM
Optimal Selection Genetic Screening: Clear of all tested disorders
Color: Black Sesame (Kuro-Goma)
Coat A-Locus Genes: aw/aw (Kuro-Goma/Kuro-Goma)
Breeder: Nico Reimerink
Sire: Shousei Homare Go Izumo Yanosou
Dam: Unshoume Go Izumo Yanosou
Co-owned by Katja Weber of Akashima Kennel
For more information about Hiro’s lineage, please visit Takahiro Akira Go Kasatori Sou on the Shikoku Pedigree database.
Affectionate, Positive & Energetic
Hiro’s favorite hobby is playing with (and ultimately destroying) his toys. He is an affectionate dog who greets everyone with kisses and prefers to keep his family in sight at all times. Hiro’s energy is always positive and seemingly boundless. He doesn’t seem to mind being second in command when Setsuko decides she is in charge, and is content to go with the flow no matter what the rest of the pack is doing. He is also a terrific hunter, though when he catches and kills something he usually leaves it for Setsuko as a “present.”